Total Protection System (TPS) Frames
Since our filters are a cut pad, they can be cut to be placed in any size HVAC system. This allows us to accommodate all and any HVAC system. In order to do that, we also designed our custom TPS Frame. This frame is made from a commercial grade PVC. It additionally has flexible PVC gaskets which compress to ensure there is no bypass of any air. These frames simply slide into all HVAC systems as any other throwaway frame would. However, the Sanders TPS Frame are durable and reusable for up to 10+ years.
Why eliminating bypass is important?
A gap as small as 1 mm in the installation of any MERV filter can reduce it a full number in efficiency. (Ward, Siegel) What does this mean? It means that if you purchase a MERV 13 filter in a normal throwaway frame & it has a 1mm gap on each side, that filter is now a MERV 9. This is why our TPS Frame is so important!
Your TPS Frame is made in the USA and is manufactured to last!
Flexible gaskets with a sturdy wire backing gives this frame the stability to last for 10 years - guarenteed!
Our TPS Frame is made from commercial grade PVC & flexible PVC gaskets. It is able to be custom manufactured for your filter needs! It is guaranteed for 10 years. This means you simply buy the replacement pads after your first order. This saves on shipping, storage, and disposal fees for your company.
These small 800 CFM units are perfect for being able to provide sub-micron filtration.